Not really, but it’s a catchy title. . They past two weeks since getting back to work have been manic to say the least – everybody seems to want everything done yesterday. Budgets, staff listings, marketing, awards, everyone! . I’ve been working mainly on budgets. Our financial year runs January to December, but they still […]
Tag: office
New job
OK, so I’ve made it through the first week of the new job. And I’ve survived! Not knowing anything about Australian schools/Uni/TAFE wasn’t so bad after all. The first two days were orientation and induction including an OHS course online. After that, it was all about meetings! I’ve travelled to 3 (out of 5) campuses […]
Outta here!
I finally did it! I quit my job last week! I’ve been “not enjoying” my job for a while now. I battle to get myself motivated, live for my weekends, hate the 3 hours per day of commuting. So I started to look at job sites, newspapers, etc but nothing serious. Then, about 3 weeks […]
This week in the office
Are people still suffering from the Christmas holiday hangover? Or are they just plain thick? Do they not possess common sense? I’ll give you some examples: I was having a conversation with a client and I said “today is my daughter’s first birthday”. The customer’s response: “Oh really, how old is she today?” Not once […]