OK, so I’ve made it through the first week of the new job. And I’ve survived! Not knowing anything about Australian schools/Uni/TAFE wasn’t so bad after all. The first two days were orientation and induction including an OHS course online.
After that, it was all about meetings! I’ve travelled to 3 (out of 5) campuses around the city for meetings and workshops. Next week I will visit a 4th campus. Yesterday was the longest day: 9.15am until 4pm, the first 2 hours without a coffee!
Next week is a short week ‘cos of Easter and the week after is even shorter; the Chancellor has given us Tuesday off as well as Easter Monday, so a 5 day weekend! I love this place already!
Oh yes, about the holiday… it’s coming. Those of you on Facebook will already have seen some of the photos.