Star Wars BuJo spread

Bullet journal – BuJo

After 6 weeks of self-isolating (I can work from home in my job), I have come to the realisation that I need to be a little more organised! I have an Outlook calendar for work, a Google calendar for personal, I use Evernote for personal notes, I use a small notebook for work plus Google […]

Afrika by Inge Haupt

I love Africa. I was born there, I grew up there. I would move there tomorrow if I knew that my children had a future in the country of my birth, South Africa. But I don’t see it for them. This poem always reminds me of what I grew up with and what my kids […]


According to studies, two of the most stressful things that you will ever do in your life are change jobs and buy/sell a home. I managed to do both last week! Today is my 4th day in the new job and I have already worked 32 hours this week! The joys of being back in […]