Yes, the new job has knocked mine completely out of whack! I’ve had a couple of 15 hour days, a couple of ‘normal’ 8 hour days and the occasional day off… including today. But after 14 hours yesterday, I’ve spent most of today on the couch watching movies!
The job is fun – back to hospitality, back to working with people. I’ve had 3 big functions so far and this Saturday we are (trying to) organise a 4 course, sit-down dinner for 380 people! I’ll let you know how it goes!
Last Sunday the family went to Wonderland Fun Park for the day, which the kids absolutely loved. Their (and our) favourite ride was the Dodgem Cars! We stuffed our faces with popcorn, candy-floss (fairy floss for the Aussies) and ice-cream while enjoying the wonderful sunshine.
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