Wow! My very own blog stats infographic from WordPress. Thanks guys!
Tag: stats
Me, me, me
So the census night has passed. I filled in the form online and sent it off. Apparently, 90 people a minute were sending in their census forms online at one stage. Pretty impressive! Anyway, I thought I’d show you my own personal InfoGraphic created via the government’s Spotlight website: You can create your own […]
Census 2011
While London burns and the world markets crash, Australia is having political problems of its own. The PMs ratings are down thanks to her Carbon Tax and new refugee laws and Labour is way down on it’s latest poll. Not that it’s really a problem for me – I can’t vote anyway! But more importantly, […]
The Final Move
Yes, we are moving again. Twice! We will soon be putting our house on the market (next week, if you’re looking for a new place in Melbourne to live). At this stage, it looks like we will be building a new place, but we haven’t signed the paperwork yet so I won’t say too much […]
I thought that I had a busy blog month in March, but April was even better. As a matter of fact, April was the first time that I cracked the 1,000 visit mark! April brought 1,140 unique visits which meant 1,747 page loads! Of these, 120 visitors were regular readers. The rest were first time […]