“I Am A Craft Brewer” is a collaborative video representing the camaraderie, character and integrity of the American Craft Brewing movement. Created by Greg Koch, CEO of the Stone Brewing Co. and Chris & Jared of Redtail Media…and more than 35 amazing craft brewers from all over the country. The video was shown to a packed audience of 1700 craft brewers and industry members at the 2009 Craft Brewers Conference as an introduction to Greg’s Keynote Speech entitled “Be Remarkable: Collaboration Ethics Camaraderie Passion.”
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2 thoughts on “I am a Craft Brewer”
(26 May 2010 - 20:28)You’re really getting into this, aren’t you?
Saw a programme that said craft (home)(micro) brewing was huge in Ireland. No real surprise there though, I guess.
(26 May 2010 - 20:55)It’s loads of fun with a great result at the end! I’m already planning my next brew and I haven’t even tasted the last one yet!
It’s pretty big over here too. And there are little micro-breweries springing up everywhere too.