Project 365

I’ve eventually caught up with emails and tasks at work, so I thought I’d take 10 minutes out of my busy schedule to update you lucky readers today.

The temperature in Melbourne has finally dropped to a comfortable 24C today (back up to 30C tomorrow) after having four days in the high 30s and low 40s. Even the aircon at work wasn’t coping (not to mention the minor issue we had with the unit at home).

Today is also the lovely Isabel’s 2nd birthday and Deb & I were up until after 11pm last night putting together her little wooden kitchen for her. It was pretty tough dragging BOTH kids away from it this morning to get them off to playschool/childcare. (Josh wants to be a chef when he grows up. So he keeps telling everyone!) I’m sure I’ll be posting birthday photos tomorrow or over the weekend, so you’ll all be able to see my kitchen-building skills for yourselves!

So with the new year came New Year’s resolutions. Some are the same as usual (lose weight, get fit, win the lotto, travel more), but this year there are some new ones. Like procrastinate less. Survive the rugby season without getting injured. And Project 365!

Project 365 is a photo project. A photo a day for 365 days. It doesn’t have to start on 1 January, so feel free to join in the fun. Birthday to birthday works too. Or just any day will do. I’ve decided to do all my photos on my iPhone. Mainly ‘cos the phone goes everywhere with me and it’s easy to upload the photos straight to the net. Wanna see them? Del’s Project 365

Deb is also doing a Project 365 challenge. She has a theme though – our kids. See her Project 365 here: Kids 2010

Post Author: admin

3 thoughts on “Project 365


    (14 January 2010 - 14:58)

    Happy Birthday Isabel!!!!

    Project 365 sounds like a brilliant idea. I’m tempted… but I think I’ll have to make mine aimed at writing something creative every day for a year. Hmmmm….


    (15 January 2010 - 15:27)

    You have a great blog here. I like reading unique blogs like yours. I have a site myself which provides information on popular vacation destinations. I want my site to be a place where anyone from around the world can come and have that vacation spirit or “vacation feeling” as you can tell from my domain name.

    I’d like to exchange links with you to help spread some traffic around between each other. Please let me know if this is possible.



    (29 January 2010 - 07:59)

    @Terri: So, how’s the Writing Project 365 going?

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