Mt Buller

Some of you may know that I have taken a job in Mt Buller for the winter ski season. Everyone was a little nervous on opening weekend (Queen’s Birthday long weekend – 8-10 June) when there was still no sign of snow. Little did we know that a HUGE dump of snow was on the […]


According to studies, two of the most stressful things that you will ever do in your life are change jobs and buy/sell a home. I managed to do both last week! Today is my 4th day in the new job and I have already worked 32 hours this week! The joys of being back in […]

Try saying…

I’m sure many of you have felt the urge to say certain things at work at some time or another. Maybe the following phrases will come in handy in the future: 1. Try Saying: I think you could do with more training Instead Of: You don’t have a f***ing clue, do you? 2. Try Saying: […]

New week, new job

I started my ‘new’ job today. Well, officially I started at the end of October, but as I kept getting passed tasks in my old job, I finally moved across today. Tomorrow I have some things to finish up as part of my old position again. I haven’t left the Uni, just taken up a […]