I finally did it! I quit my job last week!
I’ve been “not enjoying” my job for a while now. I battle to get myself motivated, live for my weekends, hate the 3 hours per day of commuting. So I started to look at job sites, newspapers, etc but nothing serious. Then, about 3 weeks ago, there was a job ad in the local paper. I thought “What the hell, let’s give it a go!” and I did.
I didn’t have all the required boxes ticked, but I must have impressed them somewhere along the line ‘cos they interviewed me. A few days later they called and asked for references. This in itself was a mission as I had to get hold of old bosses in the UK. With the help of the net and Facebook, I managed to trace two of them who must have given me the thumbs up ‘cos the next day I was offered the job!
So, I finish up next Friday. I head off to South Africa for 3 weeks and when I get back, I start my new job at Swinburne University. Just a 10 minute commute to work. And no suit either! Woohoo!