Not a bad virus though, a good one! It’s a social experiment called the Indie Virus and it drives traffic to your blog. I caught it straight from the source, “Personified” who started the Indie Virus.
Do visit his site and read all about the virus. It’s been a huge hit on Technorati (if you’re interested in that kind of thing) and if you catch the virus from me, don’t forget to link it to me.
Chat soon,
3 thoughts on “Virus attack!”
(7 April 2006 - 14:27)I went the other way – UK guy now living in Cape Town and married to a SA girl.
And, our little one is due in just 23 days, so I know all about Ante Natal Classes (the other ANC in SA).
All the best with the birth – will be visiting ML…WTI often…
Ben O.
(11 April 2006 - 17:17)Checking it out now.
What’s up? Longtime now hear, bro.
Ben O.
I hope everything is going well with you and yours.
Ancient Clown
(12 April 2006 - 00:39)I’d like to donate something a little different than money.
I’d like to donate a philosophy;
“To give a person a tree is to give them a present…to teach them how to make a tree is to give them a gift for life.” Planting the Seeds
and a LAW…Law Of Life
your humble servant,
Ancient Clown