Riding blank…

OK, so I haven’t been out on my bike in almost 3 weeks now. Slack! The major problem is that I need to ‘fix’ my bike after my race – the front derailer isn’t working 100% and neither is the rear derailleur for that matter! Secondly, we’ve switched from summer time to winter time (the […]

Leg shaving advice (tongue in cheek)

As a cycling aficionado, you no are no doubt anxious to demonstrate your commitment to the sport, even when you are not on the bike. “But how,” I hear you ask, “can I show my absolute dedication to the cycling lifestyle, hopefully to the extent that my family, friends, and coworkers will begin to cast […]

Reprieve for Victorian Cyclists

On New Year’s Eve, Connex Melbourne (the local train company), announced that they were no longer going to accept bicycles on trains at peak times. These times were trains arriving in the city between 7am and 9am and leaving the city between 4pm and 7pm. Local cycle groups were extremely unhappy with this as it […]

A Christmas wish from the Royals

Firstly, a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year (or Season’s Greetings to the non-Christian readers) to all. I will be on holiday from work (and blogging as of midday today. I hope you all have a fantastic holiday season! And to something a little more interesting: The British Royal Family have caught onto the […]

NORAD tracks Santa

A little known fact, but it’s true! The North American Aerospace Defence Command has been tracking Santa since 1955! Check out the article on Google’s blog as well as the NORAD website! You will even be able to download Santa’s complete route on Google Maps on Christmas Eve! Chat soon,DelBoy