OK, so my photo-a-day New Year’s Resolution only lasted until March. Instead of this, “My life…” brings you Foto Friday where I will bless you with my favourite photo of the week. Don’t be surprised if the photos are of my sons!
This week’s photo is titled Kyoto Garden waterfall and it was taken in the Japanese Garden in Holland Park, London this afternoon. It was taken on my phone, so quality isn’t great!
1 thought on “Foto Friday”
(7 June 2006 - 10:10)Hi Del. Gosh you have been busy since I last visited your site!!! You have gone and had a baby and did your bike ride and I missed it all. Fortunately you love pic’s us much as me. I have to say, I was right. I said it would be a boy. He is gorgeous. Congratulations and I can see that you absolutely adore him. How does your older son feel about the addition? This is a lovely picture of the garden by the way. I promise to be a more regular reader again.