First run: 07/01/2023 PB: 30m 01s on 07/01/2023 Number of runs completed: 1 (as at 07/01/2023)
Category: Parkrun
New Year, New Parkrun – Gardiner’s Creek Parkrun
I clocked up my 69th Parkrun today (1st January 2023) which was also my 16th different Parkrun. It was a fairly easy route along the creek but the heat and humidity at 8am was rough on the old body! My official time was 30:01 but my personal time was 29:37. First run: 01/01/2023 PB: 30m […]
30 Parkruns in 2022
I ticked off another one of my Parkrun personal goals today – 30 Parkruns in 1 year! Nothing special on the actual run. I just ran it at my home Parkrun – Lillydale Lake – at just over 28 minutes for the run. Nowhere near my PB but getting better as we head towards the […]
Torrens Parkrun
First run: 27/08/2022 PB: 28m 20s on 27/08/2022 Number of runs completed: 1 (as at 04/12/22)
George Parkrun
First run: 30/07/2022 PB: 32m 47s on 30/07/2022 Number of runs completed: 1 (as at 04/12/22)