So it would seem that Mr Squeaky clean golfer isn’t such a good boy after all. Maybe I should have written “… he’s just a very naughty boy” in my previous Tigermania post after all. How many ‘ladies’ is he entertaining? . Anyway, just to cheer me up I thought I would post these: . […]
Tag: Humour
How to talk to non-cyclists
Lance Armstrong’s views on non-cyclists
The install
So the Foxtel man came yesterday. An interesting character to say the least. He was Scottish, thick accent too. Now we all know what they say about the Scots being thrifty… He first complained because he couldn’t get behind the TV cabinet – it’s a built-in cabinet. So Deb pulled the drawers out for him […]
New Suth Effrican lungwich AS TO BE SPOKEN IN PELEMENT
Officials of the New South African government have come to realise that the current status of having 11 official languages in them New South Africa is impractical. A new language was thus introduced. This is the English as it is now spoken on television and radio. The recently published New Suth Effrican Deekshunry defines these […]
Leg shaving advice (tongue in cheek)
As a cycling aficionado, you no are no doubt anxious to demonstrate your commitment to the sport, even when you are not on the bike. “But how,” I hear you ask, “can I show my absolute dedication to the cycling lifestyle, hopefully to the extent that my family, friends, and coworkers will begin to cast […]