As we all know, the Oatmeal is a fountain of knowledge, a source of wise council, a veritable oracle. On everything. This is what he has to say about beer: Beer is composed mostly of water In the middle ages, many people drank beer because clean water was hard to find Store beer upright as […]
Tag: beer
Back to "normal"
After 19 days in Australia, my folks flew out of Melbourne early this morning. They have 4 days in Singapore before heading home. It was a great 3 weeks; I didn’t even get into an argument with my mother! My kids are already missing them – they keep asking if they can phone them on […]
Weekend in Bruges
Nothing to do with the movie starring Colin Farrell. No, instead it was a very messy weekend in Belgium for my birthday in 2006 (original trip report). I travelled with my (now) wife and two very good friends. Before leaving, the boys set themselves a challenge of drinking as many Belgian beers as possible. This […]
Birthday beers
As most of my friends know, I am a bit of a beer drinker. So when the BIG FOUR-OH came along, so did a whole heap of beer and beer stuff! There was bar stuff (for my garage bar), there was brewing stuff (for my ‘brewery‘) and then there was beer. Forty-eight bottles of it […]
Reusing yeast
When I had finished bottling my pale ale on Monday night, I had a couple of inches of yeast slurry in the bottom of my fermenter. I’d heard previously that you can re-use this sludge to make another brew so I thought that I would look into it in a little more detail. Well, as […]