Rugby World Cup fever

As the RWC approaches (71 days to go as I write this), people are talking more and more about it! New Zealanders are planning trips home to coincide, Aussies are planning holidays to New Zealand and other rugby following expats will grab whatever they can get! Including this.

After searching all over the internet (OK, so I Googled it), I finally found a Rugby World Cup 2011 spreadsheet. And you can download it from here.

Good luck and Go Bokke!!



Post Author: admin

3 thoughts on “Rugby World Cup fever


    (1 July 2011 - 14:54)

    Are you coming over to NZ for any games? I admit I don’t know anything about rugby, has I come from a full-on soccer nation… so I’m kind of missing out on the excitement but everyone here in NZ is gearing up for it!


      (1 July 2011 - 15:21)

      I wish!! Can I couch surf at your place? LOL

      No money for flights or tickets though. Unless I win the Lotto soon!


        (5 July 2011 - 21:47)

        Oh, no! It must be hard to be so close to NZ but so far away in terms of affordability! At least you’re in a similar timezone for the games.

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