
OK, so I’ve been a little quiet lately. The reason, as usual, is work.

Last week the pub was shut for three and a half days while we did a quick refurb. Of course, being really tight, the company doesn’t pay for a project manager, so I had to do that job. Which meant starting work anytime between 6.30am and 8am and finishing between 7pm and 8pm.

It also meant dealing with the laziest, most laid-back foreman in the world! Hand-over was supposed to be at midday last Thursday. By 5.30pm (we were supposed to be opening at 6pm), there was no sign of the job being finished. My boss had turned up and he was fuming! If he could have, I’m sure he would have grabbed him by the throat and flushed his head in the (newly redecorated) urinals!

Needless to say, we eventually opened at 6.45pm. The 250 invitations that had gone out drew in a massive crowd and the evening was a magnificent success! I had a couple of glasses of wine with the boss and when he left, I started to drink with my friends. Even my staff starting buying me drinks – my fav too, Sambuca! By 1am and 2 bottles of French Champagne later, I crawled into bed with the world spinning around me.

Friday was a very long day at work. And I was surrounded by builders who were still trying to catch up!

Chat soon,

PS: Monday night we held a staff party at The Marlborough Head off Oxford Street. As it was Halloween, we all dressed up. The beer, vodka and Sambuca flowed freely! And the cab drivers were pleasantly surprised when they had to take home the ghost of Davey Jones. Photos to follow…

Post Author: admin

1 thought on “Sparkle


    (8 November 2006 - 13:08)

    Went to bed with a headspin eh? Is that your version of taking your work home with you?

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