Well, the weather anyway! Not the people. And it wasn’t as cold as Paris, but still cold enough for gloves, scarf and beanie!
We arrived on Monday morning around midday. Lunch in an Irish pub was Irish stew for me and Guinness and steak pie for my dad. Mmmmmmmmm, yum! Not to mention his first ever pint of Guinness which he loved! In the afternoon, we saw ALL of Dublin’s sights. We then went home to Terri‘s place for dinner and to catch up.
Tuesday was Guinness Factory day! And we made a day of it! Ended up in the top floor bar (The Gravity Bar) for a pint of Black Gold while enjoying the view of Dublin. Back to Terri and Bosbefok‘s place for dinner and then down the pub for some more of The Black Stuff.
Today I packed my Dad off back to South Africa with a promise NOT to wait another 4 years before catching up again. At least he’s going back to the sunshine!
As for me… back to work tomorrow morning at 9am. Time to catch up on 10 days worth of emails, mail and new UK drinking laws! Can’t wait (Note the sarcasm!)
Chat soon,
2 thoughts on “Celtic Cold”
(1 December 2005 - 18:33)And it was great to see you both! Hm, when I married him I never thought I’d hear us referred to as “Terri and Bosbefok” LOL!
(2 December 2005 - 09:25)Ah, the Black Stuff!