Well, as promised, I have some pics for you. The first few are the actual mutilation stage of our work i.e. the removal of the sofa/couchettes.
This last photo shows what the pub looks like now with its “Butcher’s blocks”. What do you think? My regular customers love it!
All this DIY in the pub has also inspired me to do some work at home. And guess what, I’m building a bar in my lounge room. I sound like an alcoholic – work in a pub, bar in my front room! Well, I’m not! Haven’t had a drop since Beerfest! 7 weeks!
Anyway, once my bro-in-law and I have finished the bar, I’ll post a pic of that too.
Chat soon,
8 thoughts on “More DIY”
(15 November 2005 - 13:21)well done.. but it still think u should have a beer with us… Need to come round and check out and improved pub.. see you and Deb tomorrow for dinner… : )
(15 November 2005 - 13:51)Looks great, cuz! Hm, might have to pop over to sample the new furniture sometime…
Ben O.
(15 November 2005 - 19:46)Dude – I love that look. The chopping block seats add alot.
Keep up the good work and also continue the picture updates.
Ben O.
(16 November 2005 - 11:02)Slow down, dude. You’re going to burn out with all that activity and then where would we go for our original online pub literature?
(16 November 2005 - 11:02)Slow down, dude. You’re going to burn out with all that activity and then where would we go for our original online pub literature?
(17 November 2005 - 07:01)just dropped by via neoworx to say hi. looks like your renovations are coming along nicely. 🙂
(17 November 2005 - 07:29)Renovations look great, Del. I bet your regular customers love it too.
(17 November 2005 - 07:33)I would just love to come and drink in that pub. Do you allow dancing on the tables?